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The Lady Poem

Vaginas unite!
No longer will we be fucked by dicks,
Pricks who believe we are less than them.
Lesser than men!

My sisters in the far east,
Cannot even walk the streets
Without a chaperone.
Can’t use a phone,
No call for help.

With faultless courage, they’re starting to arise:
Child brides, male disguise, outward cries
Open your eyes!
These acts have gone on for years
Forcing heart-pierced fears,
Pain-filled tears

Rape is not adultery!
She was not dressed sexy or sultry,
She did not bring it upon herself.
Honor crimes?
These are modern times, fool!

My sisters in the tribes of Africa
As little girls, don’t have a choice,
Don’t have a voice,
Their genitalia is sliced and silenced.

Congolese military men,
Who seek to eradicate,
To escavate, to devastate,
They turn to rape,
Penetrating their way to gold.
How old?
Girls of 3, 10, 32, 59, 75,
It matters not.
Fruitful lives are, in an instant, forgot.

So open your lips, sisters!
Put your hands on your hips, mothers!
And leave no vagina behind.

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